Important! Please be aware that changing your username can result in your site going offline due to applications not expecting the username change. If you change the username & your site fails to load & you are unable to resolve / fix the issue, you are able to repeat the above steps & revert the username back again.

You can change your username at anytime you want to - this facility is automated & available 24/7. This change effects the following:

  • The defailt cPanel/FTP username
  • The default SQL username
  • All databases under the account will have their prefix changed
  • All database users will have their username prefixes changed
  • Your home directory location will be changed
To change your username, follow the steps below:

1. Log into the members area
2. Select the blue 'Options' button besides the account you wish to change the username on
3. Select 'Change Username' under the 'Advanced Tools' column

Reseller have the ability to change the username on one of their sub accounts on the same page, simply select the drop down box & select the cPanel username that you wish to modify

4. Click 'I agree, change my username' - Your username will then be changed immediately

You will be sent an email with your new & old usernames, the reason you entered for the change will also be listed in the email for your own records.

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