Additional contacts listed under your account will have full access to all the information and functions available under your PANTHUR account, users whom wish to communicate with our support or customer service team will be required to be listed as an authorized contact under the account for before requesting support or information for any relative services hosted with PANTHUR

Adding a new contact

1. Login to the members area
2. Select the blue button 'Add New Contact' in the top menu
3. Proceed with filling in all fields, then select the blue button labelled 'Add Contact'

Additional contacts may be granted their own privelleges, for instance a password can be granted to their account which can then be used to restrict access to specific section of the members area. You may also set preferences to specific emails that they can receive.

Assigning a specific billing contact

In some cases, organisations may wish to have a specific email address (contact) listed within our system to receive/process and pay all invoices for their account. Before assigning a billing contact to your account, you will be required to add a new contact to your account using the above guide.

1. Login to the members area
2. Locate the 'Billing Preferences' tab and select the drop down box below 'Default Billing Contact'
3. Select the new contact you wish to have all invoice related emails sent too
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select 'Save Changes'

Deleting a contact

1. Login to the members area
2. Select the contact you wish to delete besides 'Choose Contact'
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select 'Delete Contact'

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