Global domain names that have been registered for less than 60 days cannot be transferred due to registry restrictions. Please wait until the domain is at least 60 days old before attempting to transfer. Australian domain names can be transferred between registrars at any given time as long as the domain name is 'Active'

Domain transfer requirements differ depending on the extension being transferred:

Global domains

1. Domain Contact Email - The domain administration contact must include a reachable e-mail address, the administration e-mail address is used to verify the domain transfer
2. Domain Password - To retrieve the a please contact your current domain registrar, this is also known as the 'Authorization Code', 'Registry Key' or 'EPP Key'
3. Domain Transfer Lock - Check that the domain names status is not set as 'Locked', if so request your current domain registrar to unlock it
4. Total Time Frame - Transfers take up-to 10 days to complete. All services will remain pointing to their current DNS (Domain Name Servers) during the transfer

Australian domains

1. Domain Contact Email - The domain registrant contact must include a reachable e-mail address, the registrant e-mail address is used to verify the domain transfer
2. Domain Password - To retrieve the a please contact your current domain registrar, this is also known as the 'Authorization Code', 'Registry Key' or 'EPP Key'. The following tool supplied by AusRegistry can be used to retrieve the domain password:
3. Total Time Frame - Transfers take up-to 2 days to complete. All services will remain pointing to their current DNS (Domain Name Servers) during the transfer

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