How to Clean and Optimise The WordPress Database

Note: Cleaning up the Database is a great way to improve your website speed and reduce the database size. After completing this guide, you may be able to further optimise the database through phpMyAdmin (click here for that guide)


Step 1 - Log into WordPress, then Install and Activate the WP-Sweep plugin


Step 2 - Click on Sweep under the Tools section



Step 3 - Take note of this warning. This process is unlikely to cause any trouble, but it's a good idea to be prepared, just in case. All our hosting accounts keep 30 days of backups that you can easily access. Click here for a guide on using our backups to restore the database should things go wrong.



Step 4 - Scroll down to the bottom and click Sweep All. if your database is large, this may take a few minutes to complete.


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