Australian domain names
Transfers are performed free of charge, the existing expiry date currently set with your existing registrar will be transferred to PANTHUR. Depending on the extension and the expiry date of the domain name, renewal prices can be found here:
All other extensions
Transferring domain names from another registrar to PANTHUR automatically extends your registration by one (1) year from its current expiration date. The transfer itself is totally free and you will only need to pay for the one year renewal fee, which is the same as the domain registration fee listed here
In the event that the registrar transfer into PANTHUR fails, you will be notified by PANTHUR for the reason why and the transfer fee will be refunded into your account.
Transfers are performed free of charge, the existing expiry date currently set with your existing registrar will be transferred to PANTHUR. Depending on the extension and the expiry date of the domain name, renewal prices can be found here:
All other extensions
Transferring domain names from another registrar to PANTHUR automatically extends your registration by one (1) year from its current expiration date. The transfer itself is totally free and you will only need to pay for the one year renewal fee, which is the same as the domain registration fee listed here
In the event that the registrar transfer into PANTHUR fails, you will be notified by PANTHUR for the reason why and the transfer fee will be refunded into your account.