Your domain contact details are not the same as your account contact details. Billing contact details may be modified on the following page:

Domain contact details can be modified at any given time by following the instructions below:

1. Login to the members area:
2. Select the blue 'Options' button besides the domain name which you wish to modify the contact details on
3. Select 'Contact Information' under the 'General Settings' column
4. The following page will allow you to modify the contact details for the 'Registrant', 'Administration', 'Technical' & 'Billing' contacts. You can copy information across from other fields by selecting the drop down field 'Copy information from...' field.

NOTE: If you are updating your phone number, please have it in the following format: (Australian Code) +61. XXXX XXX XXX

For example, if your phone number is 0412 345 678, then you will enter in +61. 0412 345 678.

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