If you do not wish to renew a domain name then we recommend that you disable 'Automatic Renewal' via our members area. Disabling 'Automatic Renewal' will cause any current invoice for the specified domain name to be cancelled, it will also stop the domain name from being invoiced when due.

1. Log into the members area https://members.panthur.com.au/mydomains/
2. Select the blue 'Options' button besides your domain name
3. Select the 'Automatic Renewal' option
4. Select 'Deactivate'

Disabling 'Automatic Renewal' will cause any current invoice for the specified domain name to be cancelled, disabling automatic renewal will also stop the domain name from being invoiced when due.

Note: Disabling automatic renewal after the domain name has expired will cause the invoice to remain active, please contact our support department to have this invoice manually cancelled.

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