When you sign your business up for a Google for Work product, you provide the domain name you want to use with Google services. This is the unique name that appears after the @ sign in your company email address and after www. in your web site address. Before your organization can use Google services like Gmail with your company's domain, you'll need to verify that you own it. This ensures that no one else can use services or send email that appears to come from your company.

Google Apps verification key on your web hosting

WARNING: The below guide should be used if currently hold an active web hosting service with PANTHUR for your domain name.

If you wish to enable Google Apps verification key on a domain name which has an active web hosting service attached to it with PANTHUR:

1. Log into your cPanel account
2. Select the 'Advanced DNS Zone Editor' under the 'Domains' tab
3. Select the green button 'Add New DNS Record'

Name / Host / AliasTime to Live (TTL)Record TypeValue / Answer / Destination
yourdomain.com. 86400 TXT google-site-verification=fUxiITiO4X-fuPJZ-leXzSUmvAk4xUjbgBIgbbtJKBg

Google Apps verification key on DNS hosting only

WARNING: The below guide should be used if you wish to enable Google Apps verification key on a domain name without a web hosting service attached to it

1. Login to the members area here: https://members.panthur.com.au/mydomains/
2. Select the blue 'Options' drop down box besides the domain name you wish to add the Google Apps verification key on
3. DNS Hosting must be active on the domain name before the key can be added
5. Select 'Add New DNS Record' under the 'DNS Editor' tab
6. Change the 'Record Type' to 'TXT'
7. Change the 'Hostname' to 'yourdomain.com.' (This should already be prefilled)
8. Set the 'TTL' to '86400'
9. Set the address to your verification key 'google-site-verification=VERIFICATION_KEY_SUPPLIED_BY_GOOGLE'

The following changes will be applied to your DNS zone:

Name / Host / AliasTime to Live (TTL)Record TypeValue / Answer / Destination
yourdomain.com. 86400 TXT google-site-verification=VERIFICATION_KEY_SUPPLIED_BY_GOOGLE

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