Raw access logs are text files that contain information about your website's visitors and the content on your website that they have accessed. The cPanel access logs can be found in your cPanel account, you can access them by following these steps below:
Economy, Business, Stealth accounts
1. Login to your cPanel account
2. Select 'Raw Access Logs' under the "Logs" tab
3. Select your domain name and download the .tar.gz file
4. Extract this file using WinRAR or a similar tool
5. Open the extracted file in your favorite text editor
Reseller accounts
1. Log into the cPanel account you wish to access the access logs for
2. Select 'Raw Access Logs' under the 'Logs' tab
3. Select your domain name and download the .tar.gz file
4. Extract this file using WinRAR or a similar tool
5. Open the extracted file in your favorite text editor
Economy, Business, Stealth accounts
1. Login to your cPanel account
2. Select 'Raw Access Logs' under the "Logs" tab
3. Select your domain name and download the .tar.gz file
4. Extract this file using WinRAR or a similar tool
5. Open the extracted file in your favorite text editor
Reseller accounts
1. Log into the cPanel account you wish to access the access logs for
2. Select 'Raw Access Logs' under the 'Logs' tab
3. Select your domain name and download the .tar.gz file
4. Extract this file using WinRAR or a similar tool
5. Open the extracted file in your favorite text editor